The Pieriboni family story dates back to the early 1900s when Attilio and Noemi, grandparents of the current owners, began to cultivate grapes on the splendid Venetian hills around Gambellara, known since ancient times for producing excellent wines.
In 1970, Adriano, Attilio’s son, created the Azienda Agricola Pieriboni with the help of his wife, Milena, by purchasing a small farmstead surrounded by no more than 10 hectares of land in the village of Mason di Montebello Vicentino at the foot of the hills. Over the years, leaving behind the usual and traditional rural activities, such as sowing seed and breeding animals, the company began to undergo significant changes by directing its efforts towards vine-growing.
And so, in 1980, the old barn made way for a small winery in which to autonomously produce wine from the grapes grown in their own vineyards. In the late 1990s, the company purchased more land and, thanks to producing high quality wines, conquered a considerable slice of the wine-producing world.
Now the company is managed by Adriano’s sons, Giovanni and Paolo. Their aim is to continually improve the quality of their wines, from the vineyards to the winery. To do this, they employ the expertise of agrarian technicians and expert oenologists, without ever neglecting the cordiality and friendly hospitality typical of the company’s family-business character.
The 70th edition of Vicenzaoro breaks every record: a +3% increase in attendance over VOJ23, 60% international buyers from 141 countries, and 1300 exhibitors.
Thank you for being a part of our journey. We can't wait to meet you again from September 6th to 10th, 2024.
Until then, stay inspired and connected!
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
The Time district is the ideal place for all watch enthusiasts. Here you can admire the latest creations from the industry's best independent brands and discover businesses that create the most sophisticated mechanisms.
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
Fifth and final day of Vicenzaoro January 2024! Ready to finish on a high note?
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
The Time district is the ideal place for all watch enthusiasts. Here you can admire the latest creations from the industry's best independent brands and discover businesses that create the most sophisticated mechanisms.
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
Another extraordinary day is ending, but not for those who want to continue networking and enjoy the rest of the night! See you at the West Entrance for the Vicenzaoro Happy Hour!
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
The Time district is the ideal place for all watch enthusiasts. Here you can admire the latest creations from the industry's best independent brands and discover businesses that create the most sophisticated mechanisms.
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
Young emerging designer will be present at Vicenzaoro to show their unique pieces. Vicenzaoro believes in new generations by using the knowledge of great experts in the gold and jewellery sector. Come and discover their works of art at the Design Room.
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
Creativity and craftsmanship at Vicenzaoro January 2024
#IEG #IEGExpo #vicenzaoro #theheritagefortomorrow #VOJ24
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